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Victoria’s Adventures

Published June 8, 2017 by The Hip Grandmother


The last few months have been a blessing. But at the same time they have been such a busy time for me. Most of the time, we have stayed home but only because Victoria prefers having ‘alone time’ in her room. I really don’t know what to make of it but I am not worried about it. She just sits on her twin bed and plays with her Barbies. She has collected a lot of Barbie items throughout the months and keeps them safely in an old diaper bag (backpack). She carries that around all the time. Her Barbies mean so much to her.


Of course Victoria has done many other things these past few months. She has spent time with her sister Annabelle, Mommy’s fiance’s daughter. Victoria calls him ‘TwoDaddy’. She loves her sister so much. I think it is great that they are only 8 months apart. I’m sure in the future they are going to have many ups and downs as siblings; but they will be doing this together.

As a family, we have gone on a few outings such as taking Victoria for her first visit to the Aquarium in the Smokies. It was a lovely place, crowded but we had fun. Perhaps she will remember only in spurts like I did when I was three years of age. I take that into account when we spend the day together; I want her to look back on life with Titi and smile. I might not have had the chance to meet my Mamae but I want to show Victoria the same love that I know Mamae would have shown me.

What I love about this whole set-up is that everyone gets along for the kids. Victoria’s parents make sure the other parent gets to spend quality time with Victoria, to make sure she understands (or if one day she understands) that both her parents love her so much and that she needs to know this from both her mom and dad. Most parents who aren’t together have a hard time putting their egos aside and thinking about the child. This isn’t a problem for Victoria’s parents.

6-4-17 Victoria and Papaw on the lawnmower

Cutting the grass with Papaw

5-3-17 Victoria and Daddy about to skateboard

About to go skateboarding with Daddy

4-10-17 About to get chocolate wasted with Daddy

About to get Chocolate wasted with Daddy

3-13-17 Victoria about to go out shopping

Getting ready to go shopping with Mommy

As an artist, I realize that Victoria is going to have to display some type of ability for art. I mean, I’ve been mediocre my whole life but still, I was an artist. We are giving Victoria the chance to find her niche of what would make her HER. She has experience in different types of media, her favorite at the moment would have to be finger painting. Both my mother and my sister have some of her works of art, her mother proudly displays the poster Victoria created about a year ago. Pretty soon I want to get her a sketch pad with an art box so she can store all her art supplies in one place.


In our part of the world we are in the middle of summer (or it just feels that way outside!) She has been able to sightsee some of her role models and has quickly become a little starstruck, if you ask me. So we took her to see her favorite puppy heroes Paw Patrol. She actually had a blast. Although the line was extremely long, snaking around the building of the store itself, we were greeted with happy children who were excited to get a glimpse of their favorite character.

At three years old, she is really starting to come into her own. She definitely has her own personality set in stone. She’s a wonderful girl who loves to dress up in fairy princess dresses with her best friend Lili, blow bubbles with her Titi, skateboarding with her Daddy and listen to thunder and lightening during spring storms with her Mommy.

Doc Mcstuffins for her 3rd birthday!

Published April 2, 2017 by The Hip Grandmother

Victoria is finally 3 years old. Mommy always goes all out for her birthday. To her, every year is a milestone. That’s how she was brought up and she hopes Victoria will do the same if she has children. We had a big bash inviting all the neighborhood kids, friends and family alike. Here are some of the happenings that went on that day. 

Victoria and Annabelle playing and getting along. Hard thing for sissys to do 😇😇

Victoria’s 3rd birthday cake. Her idol.

Victoria Renee: A look back at her life

Published May 24, 2016 by The Hip Grandmother

1-22-15 At Park in MallIts been a busy month since Christmas for my family so far. Positive things have happened and negative things have happened. I would like to focus on the positive. A lot has changed yet a lot has stayed the same. Victoria has pulled herself up and is trying to walk. She’s also eating table food now. Can you believe it? Table food! She has always been the apple of my eye, my photon, my ray of sunshine in a dark room..but she has come to be in the age of fun. Tomorrow is my 44th birthday. Throughout the year I did entertain the idea that she and I would share a cake, one side decorations of Disney and the other side a simple ‘happy birthday’. But I know it is actually her special day and I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to take some of her ‘first birthday’ thunder away.

Victoria went with her mother to the park in the mall. It’s an indoor park so we like to go there while it is rainy or snowing outside. She made a few friends, even met up with kids that aren’t taught to share (although they should have learned this already) but all-in-all she had fun. She has a new best friend who also happens to be our neighbor. I just adore this little boy. He is my ‘handsome’ little man. 1-7-15 Victoria's first cake

That night, my daughter and Victoria decided to make a cake. It was a cute little cake. Victoria has never had experience when it comes to baking and her mom wanted to be the first to try this out.

Today May 24, 2016

Today Victoria is bright and happy and full of joy. Always with a smile and a giggle, she loves watching other kids play and loves Minnie Mouse. I firmly believe the reason she continues to be happy is that her parents can get along and isn’t exposed to arguments. This is very important in a child’s life and I am so thankful she has the parents that she has.


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